Maihueniopsis ovata was already described in 1837 by Pfeiffer as Opuntia ovata. Nearly no other species of Maihueniopsis has so many synonyms as Maihueniopsis ovata. It grows in Argentina near Mendoza as well as in Chile. There seems to exist only one single clone in Chile, for the plants are selfsterile and do not produce fruits.
Maihueniopsis ovata SAR 8042 near Villavicencio, Mendoza, AR
Flower of the plant near Villavicencio.
Maihueniopsis ovata south of Mendoza near Manzano Historico.
We found this Maihueniopsis ovata SAR 1511 with empty fruits near Lo Valdes, south east of Santiago de Chile on the chilean side of the Andes.
At times the following plants were also called Maihueniopsis neuquensis. We believe though that they also belong to Maihueniopsis ovata.
Maihueniopsis aff. ovata SAR 3781, south west of Zapala, Neuquen, AR.
Flower of Maihueniopsis aff. ovata SAR 3781.